


Epikur, Brief an Menoikeus. Edition, Übersetzung, Einleitung und Kommentar [Epicurea 4], Basel 2014, 378pp. (Publisher)

This volume offers the first critical edition of Epicurus’ Letter to Meneoceus since 1973 with a German translation and the first extensive commentary of this central text for Epicurean           ethics. The comprehensive introduction provides inter alia a history of Greek philosophical exhortation and an analysis of the letter’s style, language and argumentation in the                 framework of philosophical literature in 4th/3rd century BC.

The book has been reviewed by: D. Konstan, Classical World 108 (2014/5) 574-576; F. Verde, Anz. f. d. Altertumswissenschaft, LXVII, July/Oct. 2014, 175-180; E. Spinelli,                            ; E. Piergiacomi, Παρ’ ἡμᾶς. Note di confronto su due studi recenti sull’etica di Epicuro, Syzetesis II.2 (2015) 131-154.

‘Verfall’ und ‘Blütezeit’ der Redekunst? Praktische und literarische Rhetorik im hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Griechenland.           Ein Vergleich, Würzburg 2021, 818pp. [‘Decline’ and ‘flourishing’ of oratory and literary rhetoric? A comparative study of

     Hellenistic and Imperial Greece = Habilitation thesis], 818pp. (revised manuscript for the publication in preparation).

The first detailed account of the Greek rhetorical landscape 322-30 BC in teaching, oratory practice and literary rhetoric. Here, for the first time, a translation and overall discussion of

       the surviving literary texts as well as of the fragments, testimonies, inscriptions, and papyri is provided. For each aspect, an introductory passage leading from the archaic Greek

       period to the beginning of the Hellenistic period is provided. Taken together with the conclusive look into rhetoric and oratory of the Imperial period, it becomes clear that despite

       various transformation processes, the rhetorical tradition shows a remarkable continuity in techniques, the position of the sophists, encomia, "Asian" influences and much more,

       which in all its aspects is even more tangible in texts than previously assumed.

Edited volumes

(with M. Erler): Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie. Akten des 3. Kongresses der Gesellschaft für antike                     Philosophie 2010, Berlin/Boston 2013, 620pp. (Publisher)

This volume provides the proceedings of the international conference “Argument and literary form in ancient philosophy” with contributions on philosophical writings from the 6th                  century B.C. to the 6 century A.D. 

(with M. Erler and F. Petrucci): Authority and Use of Authoritative texts in the Platonist Tradition, Cambridge 2021, 283pp.    


Book description from the linked CUP page: All disciplines can count on a noble founder, and the representation of this founder as an authority is key in order to construe a discipline's

        identity. This book sheds light on how Plato and other authorities were represented in one of the most long-lasting traditions of all time. It leads the reader through exegesis and

        polemics, recovery of the past and construction of a philosophical identity. From Xenocrates to Proclus, from the sceptical shift to the re-establishment of dogmatism, from the

       Mosaic of the Philosophers to the Neoplatonist Commentaries, the construction of authority emerges as a way of access to the core of the Platonist tradition.

(with M. Erler and F. Petrucci): Authority and Authoritative texts in the Epicurean Tradition, Basel 2023, 301pp. (Publisher).

Content: Reassessing the conventional narratives of Epicurean orthodoxy, the testimonies of the Kepos will be examined to see how the personality cult and the quasi sacred texts of

        salvation can be reconciled with a remarkable flexibility towards precepts of the school which can already be observed during Epicurus' lifetime. The contributions deal with

        authors and contexts from Epicurus to Diogenes of Oenoanda in the 2nd century AD.


Translation (from Italian into German)

P. Podolak: Soranos, Περὶ Ψυχῆς. Sammlung der Testimonien, Kommentar und Einleitung. Edited with the cooperation of J.E.                 Heßler, Berlin/New York 2010. (Publisher)

Translation of P. Podolak’s commented edition of Soranus’ treatise On the soul. Review of the translation: P. Petitmengin in: Revue d’études augustiniennes et patristiques, 58 (2012)              333: ‟on felicitera J. E. Hessler pour Ia qualité qu'il a su donner a l'expression allemande de son collègue italien”.

Articles and reviews

1. Eine Sonnenfinsternis und ihre Folgen, in: U. Schlegelmilch, T. Thanner (eds.), Die Dichter und die Sterne, Würzburg 2008, 1-12.           (Download)

Content: Remarks on the reception of Archilochus’ eclipse poem (122 West) in Greek tragedy and Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

2. Ludovicus Viator. Carmen heroicum a Ioachimo Udalrico Frankl, Iano Erycio Hesslero, Udalrico Gunthario Schlegelmilch                           confectum, in: U. Schlegelmilch, T. Thanner (eds.), Die Dichter und die Sterne, Würzburg 2008, XIII-XXVII. (Download)

Content: Latin poem in hexameters in honor of Prof. L. Braun by three of his disciples.


3. Ille comicus – Terenz im augustinischen Textcorpus, in: G. Förster, A.E.J. Grote, C. Müller (eds.), Spiritus et Littera. Beiträge zur                 Augustinusforschung, Würzburg 2010, 227-245. (Download)

Content: Remarks on the reception of Terence in Augustine in the frame of a biographical interpretation.


4. Ergebnisse der Arbeit am Kommentar zu Epikurs Brief an Menoikeus: Ep. Men. 124, in: Studi Classici e Orientali 54 (2008, publ.               2010) 11-67. (Peer reviewed, Download)

Content: An extensive interpretation of one of the most discussed passages in Epicurus, accompanied by the first register of all textual variants and conjectures.

5. Proposte sulla data di composizione e il destinatario dell’Epistola a Meneceo, in: Cronache Ercolanesi 41 (2011) 7-11. (Peer                       reviewed, Download)

Content: Analysis and refutation of the dating of Epicurus Letter to Menoeceus commonly assumed until 2011.


6. Article “Epikur(eismus)”, in: H. Heinen et al. (ed.), Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (CD-ROM IV 2013). (Download)

Content: The first article on the notion of slavery in Epicureanism.

7. Part “1) Epikur, Menoikeusbrief. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar” of M. Schwartz, A. Schriefl: Round-Table-Gespräche, in: M.              Erler, J.E. Heßler (eds.), Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie, Berlin/Boston 2013, 565-579, here                                566-568. (Publisher)

Content: Presentation of my dissertation during an international conference.


8. (with V. Damiani): Conference report: 33. Große Mommsen-Tagung in Würzburg, online.

9. Das Gedenken an Verstorbene in der Schule Epikurs in der Tradition der ἐπιτάφιοι λόγοι, in: D. De Sanctis, E. Spinelli, M. Tulli, F.            Verde (eds.), Questioni epicuree, Sankt Augustin 2015, 95-112. (Download)

Content: Remarks on the reception of Plato and esp. Hyperides’ Funeral speech in Epicurean literature in the frame of Epicurean commemoration of the dead; new evidence that                     Epicurus listened to the speech himself.

10. τὸν σοφὸν οὐ δοκεῖ ῥητορεύσειν καλῶς? Rhetorik in Texten Epikurs, in: I. Männlein-Robert, W. Rother, S. Schorn, C. Tornau                     (eds.): Philosophus orator. Rhetorische Strategien und Strukturen in philosophischer Literatur, Basel 2016, 138-158.

Content: Remarks on the extensive use of literary rhetoric by Epicurus who is considered an ardent opponent of rhetoric and education.

11. Rev. on Philodemus, On property Management. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Voula Tsouna. Atlanta (SBL)                     2012. Writings from the Greco-Roman World, in: Gymnasium 123 (2016) 168-170.

12. Erzählen von der Vergangenheit bei griechischen Rednern, in: D. Klein, M. Erler (eds.), Die Kunst des Erzählens, Würzburg                       2017, 15-41.

Content: Exemplary narratives of the past in Greek oratory from the 4th cent. BC to the 2nd cent. AD.


13. Socratic protreptic and Epicurus: Healing through philosophy, in: C. Moore, A. Stavru (eds.), Socrates and the Socratic                              Dialogue, Philosophia Antiqua, Leiden/Boston 2017, 665–681. (Peer reviewed, Publisher)

Content: Traces of Socratic protreptic in Epicurus’ Letter to Menoeceus with special attention to Philo of Larisa’s guidelines for protreptic literature.

14. Rev. on W. Lapini, L’Epistola a Erodoto e il Bios di Epicuro in Diogene Laerzio, in: Gnomon 90 (2018) 18-21.


15. Plato, Hyperides, and Hellenistic cult practice. On the commemoration of the dead in the school of Epicurus, in: Mnemosyne                   71 (2018) 408-433. (Peer reviewed, Publisher)

Content: An augmented English version of no. 8, with a section on the parallels between various forms of Hellenistic cult and the Epicurean community.

16. Protreptic and Epistolography, in: in: O. Alieva, A. Kotzé, S. van der Meeren (eds.), When Wisdom Calls: Philosophical Protreptic               in Antiquity, Turnhout 2018, 155-175. (Publisher)

Content: Protreptic letters in antiquity with main focus on the letters of Epicurus.

17. Article “Rede und die Entwicklung der Redekunst vor den Sophisten”, in: C. Tornau, M. Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik,                Berlin/Boston, Mass. 2019, 19-54. (Publisher)

Content: An overview of (pre-)rhetoric, oratory, and related topics in Homer, Hesiod, archaic Greek lyric, early funeral speeches, Herodotus, and Korax/Tisias.

18. Rhetorik im Epikureismus. Zur neuen Edition von Philodems Über Rhetorik I, in: Syzetesis VI,2 (2019) 517-527.  (Download)

Content: Extensive review of F. Nicolardi (Ed.), Filodemo. Il primo libro della retorica, Napoli: Bibliopolis 2018 [Scuola di Epicuro 19].

19. ἄφθαρτός μοι περιπάτει καὶ ἡμᾶς ἀφθάρτους διανοοῦ. Korrespondenz unter gottgleichen Freunden und Lehrbriefe in der                    Schule Epikurs, in: G.M. Müller, S. Retsch, J. Schenk (eds.), Adressat und Adressant: Kommunikationsstrategien im antiken                 Brief, Berlin/Boston, Mass. 2020, 27-48. (Publisher)

Content: The relationship of addressee and addresser in Epicurean letters with special attention to protreptic and the frame of Epicurean friendship.

20. (with M. Erler and F. Petrucci): Introduction, in: M. Erler/J.E. Heßler/F. Petrucci (eds.), Authority and Authoritative texts in the 

           Platonist Tradition, Cambridge 2021, 1-11. (peer reviewed)

Content: Introductory remarks on the collective volume above.

21. Rhetoric, trickery, and tyranny. Testimonies on sophists of the Hellenistic period, in: Rhetorica 39 (2021) 247-272. (Peer 

          reviewed, Publisher)

Content: Analysis of the testimonies on Hellenistic sophists and the influence of their teachings and methods on comtemporary politics, education, texts, and inscriptions.

22. Ein Gott unter Menschen. Epikur und die ὁμοίωσις θεῷ in Isokrates’ Euagoras in ihrem Verhältnis zu Platon, in: Hermes 150

            (2022) 150-169. (Peer reviewed, Publisher)

Content: Epicurus's reception of Isocrates, especially of his concept of ὁμοίωσις θεῷ. That Iscorates regarded “becoming like God” or “becoming a god” as possible is expressed in the

                wording ὡς θεὸς ἐν ἀνθρώποις in his Euagoras that can also be found in Epicurus's Letter to Menoeceus. The relationship of Isocrates's notion to Plato is analysed with a

                focus on the Theaetetus.

23. Art. Terenz (Terentius), in: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 31 (2023) 1109-1114.

Content: On Terence and the reception of Terence especially in Christian literature.

24. (with M. Erler und F.M. Petrucci): Introduction, in: M. Erler/J.E. Heßler/F. Petrucci (eds.), Authority and Authoritative texts in the 

            Epicurean Tradition, Basel 2023, 9-20.

Content: Introductory remarks on the collective volume above.

25. Orthodox enhancement vs. orthodox misconception: Epicurean Allegiance from the Inside Perspective, in: M. Erler/J.E.

            Heßler/F. Petrucci (eds.), Authority and Authoritative texts in the Epicurean Tradition, Basel 2023, 21-40.

Content: Remarks on orthodoxy, the possibility of innovation, and related discussions in Epicureanism from the 3rd cent. BC to the 1st cent. BC.

26. Article “Terentius”, in: C.P. Mayer, C. Müller, R. Dodaro (eds.), Augustinus-Lexikon 5 (2024) 664-668.

27. Oὐ νέος μακαριστὸς ἀλλὰ γέρων βεβιωκὼς καλῶς. Das Alter im Epikureismus, in: J. Schultheiß (ed.), Altsein in der Antike – eine

           menschliche Erfahrung zwischen Lebenswelt und Diskursivierung (60.280 characters, accepted for publication, to be released

           in 2025).

Content: Overview and interpretation of passages on old age in Epicureanism from the 3rd cent. BC to Diogenes of Oinoanda in the 2nd cent. AD.

28. Rhetoric of the Hellenistic Period in Theory and Practice, in: H. van der Blom/H. Yunis (Hgg.): The Cambridge History

            of Rhetoric. Volume 1: Rhetoric of the Ancient World (to c. 350 CE) (96.000 characters, after revisions with the editors now

            under peer review at Cambridge University Press. Publication planned for 2025). (Peer reviewed)

Content: A short overview on the Greek rhetorical landscape of the Hellenistic period, from scenarios of decline to inscriptions and court protocols on papyrus.

29. (with M. Erler), „§ 5. Leben”, , in: M. Erler/J.E. Heßler (eds.): Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Begründet von Friedrich

          Ueberweg. Völlig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe. Die Philosophie der Antike, 4. Die hellenistische Philosophie. Epikur – Die Schule 

          Epikurs – Lukrez, second, digital edition. With the collaboration of V. Damiani (manuscript submitted, publication from spring

          2025 on).

30. (with M. Erler), „§6 A.1. Ad Menoeceum“, in: Erler/Heßler, Ueberweg 4(manuscript submitted, publication from spring 2025 on).


31. (with M. Erler), „§6 A.2. De elocutione et fuga“, „Protrepticus“, „De rhetorica“, in: Erler/Heßler, Ueberweg 42 (manuscript

          submitted, publication from spring 2025 on).


32. (with M. Erler), „§7 D.5. Der epikureische Weise“, in: Erler/Heßler, Ueberweg 42 (manuscript submitted, publication from spring

         2025 on).


33. (with M. Erler), „§9. Der Kepos als Institution“, in: Erler/Heßler, Ueberweg 42 (manuscript submitted, publication from spring 2025            on).


34. (with M. Erler), „§25 Philodem aus Gadara. B.5. „Rhetorica“, „De elocutione“, in: Erler/Heßler, Ueberweg 42 (manuscript

          submitted, publication from spring 2025 on).

35. ὕμνοι at the Public Cemetery? Some Remarks on the Athenian Funeral Speeches (43.240 characters, currently revisions after                   reviews) (Peer reviewed)

Content: Discussion of the evidence for a transitions of functions from hymnic poetry for gods to the annual speeches at the Athenian public cemetery.

36. Irrwege und theōría. Einige Bemerkungen zu Karneiskos, Philistas 2, PHerc. 1027 col. XIV Capasso (21.960 characters, currently

           revisions after reviews) (Peer reviewed)

Content: Reference texts for and new edition of column XIV of a Herculanean papyrus.


Work in Progress

- Edition, Translation, and Commentary of Encomia and Invectives (Ψόγοι and Κατὰ ...) in  Jacoby Online - FGrHist IV. Eventually

        printed as Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker continued Part IV, A. Biography, vol. 9.

-  M. Erler, J.E. Heßler (eds.): Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Begründet von Friedrich Ueberweg. Völlig neu bearbeitete

         Ausgabe. Die Philosophie der Antike, 4. Die hellenistische Philosophie. Epikur – Die Schule Epikurs – Lukrez. Second, digital

         edition. With the collaboration of V. Damiani (published from spring 2025 on).

- „... so that the others, too, might be incited to excellence” (OGIS 339). Protreptic and praise as fundamental principles of 

         Hellenistic oratory, in: W. Allan/C. Plastow (eds.): Handbook of Theory and Practice in Greek Oratory (Cambridge University 


- Kyrill von Alexandria und der rechte Gebrauch Epikurs

- Maximus Confessor, Automatisten und die unbeirrte Betrachtung Epikurs

- Ciceros philosophisches Programm jenseits der Tusculanen: Seelentherapie und Selbstverteidigung nach Philon von Larissa

- (with J. Stenger, H. Essler): Philodemus, On frank criticism (Περὶ παρρησίας, PHerc. 1471). Text, Edition, and Commentary on Columns 170-172

- PHerc. 1041 (Scriptor Graecus incertus): Text, Edition, and Commentary 

Ongoing collaborative projects

- Author in Jacoby Online - FGrHist IV.

- Greek Rhetoric and Oratory in Fragments and Testimonies (GROFT). A Digital Collection of the Sources with Translation and                    Commentary (Digital Edition, in preparation).

- Epikureismus in der christlichen Literatur der Antike (Digital Edition, in preparation)

- Second, digital edition of Michael Erler, "Epikur – Die Schule Epikurs – Lukrez", in: Michael Erler (ed.): Grundriss der Geschichte 

        der Philosophie. Begründet von Friedrich Ueberweg. Völlig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe. Die Philosophie der Antike, 4. Die                      hellenistische Philosophie. Role: Editor, with Michael Erler, under the collaboration of Vincenzo           

        Damiani; and author of article revisions (in preparation)

- Third edition of Graziano Arrighetti, Epicuro: Opere. Role: Part of the editorial team of the universities of Pisa, Würzburg, and                Naples under the lead of Mauro Tulli, precisely: Edition and Commentary of the Letter to Menoeceus (in preparation)

- Participation in the development process of various other projects planned by members of the 

        Würzburger Zentrum für Epikureismusforschung (Würzburg Center of Epicurean Studies)


Copy editing/revising

- M. Erler: Philosophie, in: B. Zimmermann, A. Schlichtmann (eds.): Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. Vol. 2. Die                   Literatur des Hellenismus, München 2014, 279-446.

- Mitteilungen der Mommsen-Gesellschaft 81-84 (2013-2014)

- Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 37-39 (2013-2015)

- S. Schlegelmilch: Bürger, Gott und Götterschützling. Kinderbilder der hellenistischen Kunst und Literatur, Berlin 2009.

- U. Schlegelmilch, T. Thanner (eds.): Die Dichter und die Sterne. Beiträge zur lateinischen und griechischen Literatur für Ludwig              Braun, Würzburg 2008.


As part of an editorial team

- M. Erler (ed.): Euthydemos [Platon Werke. Übersetzung und Kommentar VI 1], Göttingen 2017.

- M. Erler, J.E. Heßler (eds.): Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie, Berlin/ Boston 2013.

- M. Erler, Th. Kobusch (eds.): Platon, Gorgias. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, Stuttgart 2011.

- C. Mayer, A.E.J. Grote, C. Müller (eds.): Gnade – Freiheit – Rechtfertigung. Augustinische Topoi und ihre Wirkungsgeschichte.                  Internationales Kolloquium zum 1650. Geburtstag Augustins vom 25. bis 27. November 2004 im Erbacher Hof zu Mainz,                    Stuttgart 2007.

- M. Erler: Platon, in: H. Flashar (ed.): Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Begründet von F. Ueberweg. Völlig neu                              bearbeitete Ausgabe. Die Philosophie der Antike, 2.2, Basel 2007.

- More than 300 articles, minor works and reviews of various authors.